Saturday, July 20, 2024

Peaches & Fruit Banditos

 After a long, long time - another baking experiments.

I have been thinking of making a peach cobbler for some time. When, quite by accident, we got the fruit cobbler mix (the Rustling' Rob's Fruit Banditos), it was time to experiment again.

I follow the recipe given by the Fruit Banditos (used canned peaches) and the result was wonderful. Much better that I hoped for! 

 We "destroyed" it quite quickly.

 Next time, I will try to use apricots instead of peaches.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Best Baked Bacon Ever

 What you need

Bacon, of course, a flat Pyrex dish, and aluminum foil. Black pepper for seasoning.

Bake it at 375F for about 30 minutes, until it is crispy and slightly brown.

Dry it the on the paper towel sheet for a while.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Ribs Premiere

Home baked ribs for the first time. Some sliced onion, seasoning, some water + 90 minutes in the oven (375F), and they were ready.

The ribs were quite good - not much fat, lots of good meat on them.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Potato Cakes

When did you last have potato cakes? They work well as a side to a meat entry.

If you happen to have mashed potatoes leftovers, you can make them quite easily. Just add an egg, some flour, diced onion, salt, and pepper. Mix it all together. The dough will be a bit sticky, then the cakes will turn out best.

Put them with a spoon into a pan with hot oil, flatten the sticky dough and fry the potato cakes on both sides until they turn golden brown. 


When the cakes are ready, put them for a little while on a plate with a paper towel (to drain the oil).

Serve with ketchup.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Turkey Adventure

That was quite a stubborn turkey. It stayed in the fridge for 60 hours with the idea (mine not turkey's) that it would get defrosted. It did not. After all that time, it still looked like a block of ice. So it landed in a pot with cold water. The time was passing by, the night was coming, and it was still totally frozen!

It could not stay in that spot for the entire night - it would have got bad and we did not want that. At midnight I set the alarm clock for 2 a.m. (when it rang, I did not why/what for). Then, it was ready to be cooked. Some oiling and seasoning and the turkey finally got to the oven (covered with aluminum foil). Then, there was an option to set the alarm clock for 3 a.m. (the foil needed to be removed after an hour) or stay up and wait. I chose the latter. When the turkey finally got uncovered, setting the alarm clock again. At 6 a.m. it was time to get the meat out of the oven. The turkey was cooked and golden, and I was ready to go back to sleep. Never had I experienced nighttime cooking.